Round tower mold combination castle

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Round tower mold combination castle

Post by RogaDanar »

I thought I would do a few reposts from the old forum to get the ball rolling. If there are any projects that anyone wants more information on, just ask. These are really sample pics.

Here is my castle project for my DnD campaign.
Fully assebled and painted.jpg
Fully assebled and painted.jpg (161.82 KiB) Viewed 1799 times
DSC_0344.JPG (519.6 KiB) Viewed 1799 times
Gameplay 10.jpg
Gameplay 10.jpg (298.77 KiB) Viewed 1799 times
I wanted to make a project that combined the 4, 6 and 8 inch round tower molds. The castle has 5 levels and comes apart completely. It also weighs a ton so I don't use it too often. This castle is the base of operations for my players in my DnD campaign. I have lots of pictures of its construction so just ask if you are curious.
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